Marlee Rubel
Registered Psychotherapist
Clinical Supervisor and Consultant
Mindfulness & Yoga Instructor
Upcoming and Previous Engagements
Speaking Engagements, Program Development, and Workshops Offered
Staff Self-Care Lunch & Learn Speaker Series, The 519 (2022)
Clinical Supervisory Training Program (pilot), OAMHP (2020-2021)
LGBTQ2S+ Panel on Mental Health, IE Business School Madrid (December, 2020)
Trauma-Informed Practices for Virtual Care, Canadian Mental Health Association (August, 2020)
Protective Documentation and Clinical Note Taking, The 519 (March 2020)
Trauma, Sex and Substance Use: The function of disconnection, Guelph Sexuality Conference (June 2017)
Mindfulness, Psychotherapy, and the Concept of Pleasure: A facilitators guide to working with traumatized bodies, Guelph Sexuality Conference (June 2016)
Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue, WrapAround Association of Ontario (June 2016)
Mindfulness and Psychotherapy: An Experiential Approach, Women’s College Hospital Grand Rounds (March 2016)
Group Therapy Techniques, Women’s College Hospital (March 2016)
Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue, Black Creek Community Health Centre (February 2016)
Mind-Body Approaches to Trauma in Psychotherapy, Women’s College Hospital (January 2016)
Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, Women’s College Hospital (January 2016)
Trauma-Informed Yoga for Survivors of Trauma, City-Wide Trauma Rounds (May 2015)
Mindful Movement and Trauma, Women’s College Hospital Grand Rounds (March 2015)
Mindfulness Applications, Department of Genetics, University of Toronto (February 2015)
Therapeutic Yin Yoga, Hariharalaya Retreat Centre (July 2013)